On April 13, 2006, Northcentral University announced that it was a candidate for accreditation by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) as well. This special accreditation would give extra merit to NCU graduates with degrees from their School of Business and Technology Management. ACBSP focuses on business teaching excellence. While some business accreditation associations focus on research, the standards and criteria of the ACBSP make the educational process first priority, while still encouraging quality research.

While candidacy does not guarantee accreditation, it does strongly indicate that a school is close to being qualified for accreditation. In most cases, the accreditation agency sends the school a report detailing certain changes or additions that would bring the school into full alignment with the association’s requirements for full accreditation. As with regional accreditation, NCU will likely come through this specialty accreditation with flying colors.

Northcentral University is a private, for-profit 100% online institution serving adult learners worldwide. NCU offers bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in business and technology management, education, and psychology. NCU focuses on customizing academic programs to each Learner’s personal and professional interests while maintaining high academic standards. Faculty Mentors provide one-on-one guidance to ensure academic success. And now, to better meet the needs of busy professionals, NCU has switched to a flexible term format.

Fittingly, NCU announced on June 14, 2006 that it has added a graduate level specialization in E-Learning and Teaching Online (ELT). Dr. Sue LeBeau, NCU Associate Professor of Education, developed the courses for the specialization and will serve as lead faculty for the ELT specialization.

E-Learning and Teaching Online comprises 10 separate courses that will be offered through NCU’s School of Education. Each course addresses educational needs that are highly specific to the processes of teaching and learning via the Internet. The specialization requires six courses for graduate degree purposes, and options are provided to allow Learners to select courses relevant to their professional settings.

If you want to understand e-Learning and Teaching Online, why not go to a university that clearly knows what they are doing?

Barrington University

I have exposed this university in the past. It has changed hands, however, and one Sunaina Kripalani contacted me to say:

I work for Barrington University and noticed some irregularities on your website and wanted to let you know some of the changes regarding Barrington University.  I noted on the site that you are still linking Barrington University with Virtual Academics and it is noted on the site that “Alabama threatens to pull university license.”  Both these items are inaccurate and I ask that you please update this information.  Barrington University is no longer owned by Virtual Academics.

As of October of 2004  it was taken over by Rarefield LLC, which owns a few other accredited schools.  Barrington University is in perfect standing with the Alabama Department of Education and has a current license that is valid until 2007 at which point it will be renewed.  Furthermore, Barrington has currently applied and is going through the accreditation process with a valid US accrediting body.

The school is no longer is any way considered a diploma mill and is able to get its degree’s attested in many countries all over the world.  We require our students to adhere to a strict standard of ethics and a rigorous educational program.

I would ask that you please re-evaluate the information on your web site as this is causing some confusion with our students.

I would really appreciate your hand in this matter and am willing to provide any documentation you would need to update this information.


Sunaina Kripalani

I am not sure why anyone would want to buy a university with such a reputation and fight the uphill battle toward respectability; but, I don’t claim to be a business tycoon and maybe they see something I don’t.

Meanwhile, I wrote back to Sunaina as follows and I advise you the same:

I am encouraged by your application to DETC, although I must remain cautious since DETC does not have a pre-screening candidacy phase as the regionals do. This means anyone can apply no matter how remote their prospects. This has been used by some organizations to trick students into thinking accreditation is virtually assured.

Thank you. I will make a point of visiting your site and will publish an update after I see the changes you mention. Meantime, I will see about putting the Barrington entry in a standby mode.



Trinity College & University

I get more mail about this school than any other. First clue — Who calls themselves College and University? Them alone, I’ll bet. They claim accreditation from the Association of Private Colleges and Universities, and the Association for Online Academic Excellence. Okie, dokie! That and about three bucks will get you a latte at Starbucks! Flavoring will cost extra. Neither of these accreditations are academically meaningful. Well, that’s not quite true. Presenting a degree accredited by the Association of Private Colleges and Universities and the Association for Online Academic Excellence might get you thrown out on your ear. So it is meaningful. And can’t you just see the envy on the faces of everyone down at the job site when you present your 30-day college degree!

Dr. Faruk Hosain, a Trinity graduate, has posted his doctoral dissertation of 4224 words on the Internet. Hosain says he was required to submit 29 similar papers to earn his Ph.D. from Trinity College & University. After communicating with Hosain, I am convinced that he is a sincere person. Therefore, all I’m going to say is: Go to a few accredited universities and look at their doctoral dissertations, keeping in mind that their students normally write an extensively researched paper or do a demonstration project for every class leading up to the dissertation. Then draw your own conclusions.

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