Please use the menu to the right to navigate through our education articles and resources section. Written with many years of experience, these articles will guide you through the jungle of online degrees, online education in general and distance learning. We highly appreciate feedback and comments on these articles as well as suggestions for new subject and topics.

Popular Education Articles

Accreditation and Diploma Mills
Let us tell you all about the accreditation system. Avoid the phony accrediting agencies and learn which accreditation is best.

What is Distance Learning?
What is distance education and learning and how does it work? Learn about the different forms and models from this thorough explanation.

Diploma Mills: How to Spot and Avoid Them!
Diploma mills are everywhere. They promise a fast and easy road to a degreed job but you can destroy your professional reputation for life by using a degree from a diploma mill.

All Career Articles | Extensive reviews of 250+ different careers!
This page lists all of our how-to articles for over 250 different careers. The articles feature required education and degree, salary, job outlook, unemployment rates, detailed job description and are updated every 3 months.

Recently Published Career Articles

How to Become a Computer Hardware Engineer
Computer hardware engineers must have at least a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering or computer science from an accredited institution of higher education. These programs generally incorporate classroom instruction with hands-on experiences in laboratories. The programs focus on mathematics, physical and life sciences, and the engineering specialty. Some computer hardware engineers complete graduate training to pursue positions in research and development or academia. Click here for a list of computer engineering programs.

How to Become a Law Clerk

How to Become a Tax Preparer

How to Become a Lobbyist

How to Become a Financial Manager

How to Become a Medical Social Worker
Medical social workers provide social and emotional support to individuals and families to enable them to better handle a variety of medical conditions such as acute and chronic illnesses and cancer.