Reviewing Timothy Sykes’ Watchlist

Timothy Sykes is a penny stock trader who has built a fortune of more than $5 million from a $12,000 initial investment. His social media accounts are brimming with photographs of him in various locations across the world, often with his laptop in hand, engaged in trading.

“And I’ve been all over the media ’cause frankly I have a big mouth and I love talking about this stuff,” he mentions.


This Timothy Sykes' Watchlist review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Timothy Sykes gives out a free watchlist for all the hottest stocks in the next few days every Sunday. Tim claims that after featuring them on a previous watchlist, one increased by 126% and another shoot up by 231%.

“Every single week, I’m gonna be sending you the top three stocks,” he explained in a new YouTube ad. “Now there are thousands of stocks out there, but I narrow it down to just the top three.”

Even better, it’s free. “I want to provide you value. I want to find you the hottest stocks in the market every single week. I wanna show you what I can do so that eventually you can sign up for my premium services too. I love it.

I want you to be prepared, ahead of time, like very few people are,” Tim says. And with that, he invites you to sign up by clicking below and entering your email address.

If you subscribe to Tim Sykes’s Watchlist, here is a list of the things you could get: To get into penny stocks, Tim gives people who can’t afford to buy shares of Amazon a crash course. He also sends out a list of Tim’s top three penny stock picks every Sunday and gives them access to Tim’s most popular training and resources. All of this and you only have to give us your email address. You can also unsubscribe at any time if you want.

Tim Sykes Penny Stocks

Personally speaking I would not sign up from Tim’s Watchlist? Why when it’s totally risk-free? First and foremost, Tim and his small number of wealthy mentees are the exception, not the rule. Most penny stock traders lose their money.

I made a research and found out that some information about penny stocks on Investopedia,which tells that penny stocks are extremely risky due to a lack of history and information, low liquidity (meaning, even if Tim is correct and a penny stock spikes, there may not be enough trading volume for you to sell it on time and really make a profit), not to mention the many scams that are also involved in penny stocks.

The second reason I’d avoid Tim is because of his true motive that he openly says which is to upsell you into his expensive programs, some of which cost $5,000 or more. Don’t get me wrong but I think it might be the courses and coaching, not penny stock profits, that pay for Timothy’s lavish lifestyle.

I wouldn’t bother expecting my instagram feed to be something like his because of that Watchlist.

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Elijah Olivas
Founder | 9 To 5 Renegade

Hey, I'm Elijah! I ditched the typical 9-to-5 after realizing it wasn't for me. Once I graduated, I launched a garage door and fence business but struggled to attract customers. That changed with a local marketing course, which skyrocketed my business.

Now, I run Degree Finders, sharing insights about life-altering courses. It's about carving your own path and discovering what truly changes your life. Join me in exploring these unique journeys and turning entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

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