After all that effort, all of the hard work you’ve put in may be undone by even the tiniest piece of good fortune. With your newfound wealth and freedom come a new set of negative tendencies.
You’ll soon find yourself doing nothing but nothing. Watching the days go by. What’s going to happen now? After a while, you’ll find yourself moving backwards. That’s not going to happen. This new you and your new way of life necessitate becoming a better person now and forever.
That’s what I mean by consistency,” Cody spouts out. “I read a book a week. Every week. I take courses. I cut big checks. I’m part of masterminds that cost a hundred thousand dollars a year. I’m part of masterminds that cost thirty thousand dollars a year.
I hire consultants, just hired one the other day: twelve thousand dollars. Because this person happens to be a better copywriter than me. And here’s the thing, all these little wussies are running around, scared about their feelings getting hurt.”
Success is a must for Cody. It’s his responsibility. He’s all in. He is not distracted by the outcome. It’s continually changing, therefore it doesn’t matter. No matter how he feels or what other people think, he doesn’t let it stop him. He’s always striving to be a better person, a better spouse, a better parent, and a better mentor.
You’ll go further and quicker if you adopt the same mentality. Cody will make it happen. Check out our online real estate business before you go. Below are links to videos, commonly asked questions, and answers.