Have you ever had the feeling that you’re trapped as a self-employed person? Is your schedule too full? No time or energy for learning how to expand? There is the actual danger that this might lead to exhaustion, unhealthy behaviors, and an unhappy relationship. Richard understands what you’re going through. In the past, he used to be like that. He didn’t have a business plan; he just hustled. This led to him hiring people who weren’t really the best, simply because he was desperate. When he had had enough, he resolved to take action.

He declared himself CEO of an Unleashed company. He grew seven high—impact companies and advised multi-billion-dollar corporations on strategy. For the last several years, he’s been teaching his skills to other CEOs in need. With his support, they’ll be able to articulate their vision, gather the right people, and design processes and tools that will help them achieve their goals.

You may expect to get back 30 hours each week with the Unleashed CEO System if you follow its 90-day plan. When it comes to being eligible for the program, you need to be making at least $20k per month and have a strong drive for growth and a winning team that positively influences society. Richard calculates the hourly wage of a small company owner’s CEO to be about $500. It’s possible to make $15k per week, or $780k per year, by freeing up 30 hours a week.

RS Unleashed

Shaull recommends booking a 30-minute Custom Scaling Call on his website if you believe this and want to learn more. A 30-minute presentation outlining the precise measures you must take to expand your service-based company healthily will be prepared after the call. It is possible to do it yourself or enquire about working with them.

My best estimate is that Unleashed CEO costs at least $10k, although Richard doesn’t disclose the price. It’s possible that the proper person might consider it a worthwhile investment. Then then, I’m a puritan as well. I find the idea of adding additional workers (even if they are referred to be “A-players” by the company) to be a dreadful prospect. No problem. I’ll see if I can find a way to free up some time. However, my bills have skyrocketed. As a result, I now bear a greater share of the risk. To get the same or a bit more, I’ll need record-setting months? No, thank you!

I’d rather get rid of the excess. Getting rid of anything that isn’t essential to my success or pleasure is my only option. I don’t think any naive entrepreneur can grow a firm to seven or eight figures from the ground up. They shouldn’t, either, in my opinion. Simplify first, then expand afterward for both competent and qualified. Finally, is it just me, or does Richard’s messaging seem out of sync with the spare bedroom where he is working? ClickBank or business-like vibe?