Cole Gordon’s Remote Closing Academy Review

According to Cole Gordon, the fast track to $10k per month isn’t necessarily through mentoring, starting your own consulting agency, running a Shopify eCom store, buying real estate, or doing Amazon FBA.  

You can certainly make money with all these, but believe it or not, there’s a better way.  The main thing you need to focus on is learning a skill that pays well and won’t be affected by a downturn in the economy. Something that allows you the freedom to work the hours you want, and make 6 figures.  

It’s called Remote Closing Academy. 

So, what is it? 

Well, here’s his story…

Cole Gordon’s Review

Cole gordon

Cole Gordon is the sales expert and trainer that founded the famed Remote Closing Academy and 7-Figure Selling Academy. He’s in the industry everyone wants a piece of…high ticket sales for digital marketers. 

If you wanna make loads of cash as a salesguy, Cole Gordon will show you how to make fat stacks on a part time schedule. And if you’re already a salesperson, you’ve likely seen him promote as well…

“What I’m trying to do here is recruit for our clients, okay,” Cole explains. “We are hiring for our clients.

I work with about a hundred clients, we train their sales teams. We’re always looking for good quality salespeople who have big income goals and they’re very driven and very committed.”

Marc Wayshak’s Sales Insights Lab Review

There are two categories of salespeople, according to Marc Wayshak. Willy Why-Can’t-I-Close is the first. Prospects are continuously putting pressure on this guy. He’s giving away all of his worth in the hopes of closing, but all he gets is a lot of people saying they’ll think about it. As a result, Willy’s bank account is dangerously low.

Then there’s Strategizing Steve, the other type of salesperson.

His calendar is jam-packed with opportunities. Prospects are eagerly anticipating his remarks. As a result, many of them buy, and Steve is cashing in.

Cole Gordon On Why You Should Be A Remote Closer

Cole Gordon On Why You Should Be A Remote Closer

As opposed to ecommerce, affiliate marketing, forming an agency, being a coach, or becoming an influencer, these are all pretty much saturated. There’s just too much racket out there, and advertising prices are always rising; how would you even stand a chance? On the other end, what about remote closing?  Cole describes the sea as […]

Cole Gordon On Becoming A High Ticket Seller

Cole Gordon On Becoming A High Ticket Seller

So, do I think phone sales are the real deal? Is this a legit way to make money? In short, yes. And to be clear, I also think that phone sales are great if you’re trying to get your entrepreneurial toes wet. For a lot of first time entrepreneurs, they try to make the leap […]