Effective and excellent business leaders are needed in all companies and organizations from large corporations to healthcare facilities. Online business leadership degree programs prepare students for a lucrative leadership career in many fields by enabling them to gain the essential problem solving, critical thinking, and strategic planning skills and knowledge to become a good business leader. Undergraduate degree programs provide the basic leadership foundation and graduate degrees prepare students to run an entire company or organization. Read more about online business leadership degree programs.
Some Stats
In 2006, general and operations managers held 1,720,000 jobs and chief executives held 402,000 jobs with 3 out of 4 being employed by service-providing industries (1). The average salary for business leadership is $70,000 (2).
Employment Outlook
Employment outlook for business leadership positions varies on degree, field and position. Employment of general and operations managers is expected to have little or no change from 2006 to 2016, increasing 2% and adding new 26,000 jobs. Chief executives are also expected to experience little or no change to job growth, increasing 2% and adding 8,200 new jobs (1). The median annual salary for individuals with a Master of Business Administration in Leadership with 1 to 4 years experience is $51,500 (3).
Business leadership is a complex and large field that offers students to choose a specialty and pursue a meaningful career. Business leadership specializations include organizational leadership, strategic leadership, collaborative leadership, global leadership, engineering management and leadership, entrepreneurship, leader development, human resources leadership, project management, innovation and technology, sustainable futures, international business, public administration, and business administration. Students who are interested in a particular specialty should choose a school that offers a strong program in that area.
What to Expect
Business leadership degrees prepare students for leadership duties in many different career areas. Undergraduate business leadership degrees teach students how to lead a team successfully and manage a dynamic business environment. General education courses in English, mathematics, science, history, and social sciences are required for undergraduate programs. Coursework varies by program, but many programs require courses in business economics, marketing, accounting, finance, business statistics, finance, leading in dynamic environments, personal ethics, communication, leadership theories, motivation theories, leading and building teams, and conflict management. Practical learning experiences are also often included in the curriculum. Master degree programs involve more in-depth instruction on complex leadership issues and social dynamics of businesses and organizations. Doctorate business leadership programs focus on intense research and give students a chance to apply new ideas.
The End Result
Business leadership degrees lead to a wide variety of career options in many different fields. Business leadership professionals can lead large companies, small businesses, non-profit organizations, and government agencies. Career opportunities for business leadership graduates include:
- General Operations Manager
- Chief Executive Officer
- Entrepreneur
- Human Resources Manager
- Human Resources Director
- Business Consultant
- Account Executive
- Director of Sales
- Executive Director
- Business Leadership Professor
- Project Manager
- Director of Business Development
- Director of Operations
- Business Executive
A business leadership career will be rewarding for individuals seeking a career where they can use their decisions making skills and entrepreneurial thinking to effectively manage a business or lead a team. Business leadership professionals must have strong dedication and drive to motivate employees and achieve goals. They help create and preserve the mission, values, goals, and policies of their organization. They strive to make their organization more competitive by improving growth and helping employees reach their full potential.
(1) SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook 2008-2009 Edition
(2) SOURCE: Simplyhired.com, Simply Salary
(3) SOURCE: Payscale.com, Salary Survey for Degree: Master of Business Administration (MBA), Leadership