Digital Storefronts is a lead generation program. And frankly, this is probably one of the better business models out there.

However, Digital Storefronts isn’t our #1 choice here. Joshua T. Osborne’s Digital Landlord program is.

There’s a right way and a wrong way to do things in lead generation.

The wrong way involves chasing clients, and using either outdated templates or poor-performing Facebook ads to get cheap leads that never buy or even answer the phone.

This creates a ton of client turnover, forces you to do a lot of selling, as well as experimenting with different types of ads and campaigns.

It’s a very active business model, and is more of a self-created job.

However, the right way to do lead generation involves building assets that YOU own and control.

Assets that attract high-quality, ready-to-buy customers to YOU, that you can then flip to the client for a fee.

The lead generation program Degree Finders recommends shows you how to do this in a way that creates passive monthly income, instead of forcing you to work round the clock to keep things going.

This program shows you how to create an income stream that brings in consistent revenues every single month (from a couple thousand dollars to well over $10,000)?

An income stream you could actually build in your spare time, and grow as large or as small as you want to, without having to spend hours a day chasing, selling, or managing anything.

If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, check out Digital Landlord.

However, if you’d still like to know more about Digital Storefronts, keep reading.

Digital Storefronts Review

Digital Storefronts Review

Digital advertising is a booming business, and you can begin a company and scale it to 7 figures in just a few short years.

But if you are searching for a way in, it could be difficult…

And that’s putting it lightly.

Before writing this review, I’ve spent several hours reading through its customer complaints on various platforms such as BBB, google, youtube, and Trustpilot.

Inside my Digital Storefronts review of Cory Long, we will have a behind-the-scenes look at just what it takes to launch a booming digital advertising agency and what you need to be TRULY successful.

We’re going to review the Digital Storefronts modules to decide if it really is the best online business  course out there.

What Is Digital Storefronts?

Cory Long’s goal with Digital Storefronts is to show you exactly how to create an online business from nothing.

Mainly, it shows how you can make an agency. You’ll be producing business via small little websites.

While the course does discuss different niches you can go into, the primary focus for this course is lead generation for many other businesses.

Kind of like casting a wide net.

For that matter, there are a few good reasons as to why you should utilize the tips and tricks mentioned in this particular course for your own business.

I am going to talk about this in a little bit.

This will likely provide you with much more of a concept about what Digital Storefronts brings to the table.

What Is The Cost Of The Digital Storefronts Course?

Cost Of The Digital Storefronts Course

The price of Digital Storefronts is not listed anywhere clearly online. However, knowing that this course is high ticket and offers a 24/7 private group and coaching…

It’s safe to assume that it costs more than just a few grand, and likely, $5,000.

Again to be clear, I don’t know the price for sure. But in my personal opinion, having been in the industry long enough to know, that’s most likely a good ballpark figure to expect.

I’m going to come clean to you right from the start.

This is most likely not going to be a training course for everyone.

The cost of it borders on several thousand dollars

This means you’re likely to have to pay a very significant amount of money for information you might be able to discover in other products out there for free!

It’s well worth noting that this price is just the “entry point”.

You will also need extra money to deal with paid advertising and any application that you may need to subscribe to.

How You Can Purchase The Digital Storefronts Training Course?

Digital Storefronts Training Course

The only way you can purchase Digital Storefronts is by booking a call and having a conversation with a sales guy.

In this particular phone call, they will try to market their products based on your budget.

But look, even though price is often the determining factor…trust matters the most. Like can this guy actually teach you to mirror his financial success?

I’ll talk about just trustworthy Cory actually is in a second…

But as I spoke about earlier… this is just the “entry fee” odds are you’re likely to have more expenses to actually put the training to good use.

Now, that may not be a reason to not do something. Like buying this course for example…

Because all business models when put into practice will cost something. You’ve heard of the phrase “the cost of doing business” before right?

Who Is The Creator Of The Digital Storefronts Course?

Digital Storefront Business Model

The name behind Digital Storefronts is none other than Cory Long

He is pretty much unknown in this internet coaching business.

Well…some people from another popular coaching group know him…and they aren’t the biggest fans, from what I’ve heard anyway. I’ll leave it at that for now…

Cory Long has produced several businesses from scratch. He’s decent at Facebook and Google ads and uses that as his quick leads in the door, but his primary focus is organic lead generation by using SEO to rank little local websites.

After I’ve done the research I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s not lying about the effectiveness of the business model….but I do have my suspicions of his ability to coach effectively…

Mainly because he got kicked out of the mentorship group from which he was trained in this business model.

From what I’ve been able to gather from my sources, Cory was a part of another well known coaching group.

That is not anything new in the industry, in fact plenty of other gurus have done the same.

So what warranted him getting kicked out?

This group had ONE RULE “Do not sell your products or services to anyone else in this group”.

Pretty simple right?

Well, whether it was a lapse of judgement or purposeful, Cory broke that rule and tried selling his lead generation group (digital storefronts).

All that is bad enough, but at this point in the internet age, you kinda grow to expect it to happen sometime down the road. People love biting the hand that feeds them nowadays it seems.

But what really leaves a sore taste in my mouth personally, is that Cory Long is apparently a minister and “God fearing man”.

How could someone with such a high regard for the Christian faith go out and do something like this?

What Is The Digital Storefront Business Model?

Digital Storefront Business Model

The “digital storefront” business model their course is based on is legit. Every business needs a full pipeline of leads.

If you’re reading through this review, consider yourself fortunate since I’ve been in this business and will explain it to help you with every angle…

So, this training course is based upon generating leads organically business owners.

The primary reason for this is that you’re able to build out and rent digital storefronts (as he likes to call them) for the long term.

The various other primary reasons are that many business owners out there don’t have enough time to do their advertising by themselves and need someone like you to help generate leads.

So, you’re just doing the advertising for them.

Does this business model work?


He kinda goes over this a bit more in his free training, you know, the one you may or may not have seen before reading this review.

Alright so with all that out of the way, let’s dive into what you actually receive with the Digital Storefront course…

Digital Storefronts Course Content

Digital Storefronts Course Content

The goal of the course is to hold your hand through the entire local lead generation process from beginning to end.

After you get off the phone with sales guy, assuming you paid of course, you’ll be given a login to his mentoring program.

You’ll be given 7 different modules to go through and each of them have several different training videos including his tenant attraction system!

Here’s a quick snapshot of what you’ll get module by module:

In my opinion, the program does a pretty good job at covering the local lead generation model. To be honest though, I personally think it lacks in a few different areas.

For example, I would have liked to see more content on the closing deals module.

But hey, no one is perfect.

In my experience, sales is something that a lot of people struggle with. Myself included. Many of these local lead generation programs tend to gloss over the sales aspect and pretend it doesn’t exist to the degree it does.

I’m not saying sales skills are detrimental to success in this biz, it’s not, but it definitely helps.

I’ve been in your shoes before, and I can tell without a shadow of a doubt that if I didn’t have a program like the one I’m in now that does ACTUALLY go in depth on the sales process of local lead generation…I probably wouldn’t be where I am today with over 100 local lead gen sites.

That’s just my 2 cents though.

Pros Of Digital Storefronts

Pros Of Digital Storefronts

User Friendly Training Platform

I’m not gonna lie, and I give credit where it’s due. Cory Long has been able to make his Digital Storefronts training platform remarkably easy to navigate.

Some people might say it looks a little plain, but to me, I could care less. After all, I’m looking to be trained at a high level…not be wowed by the latest word press theme LOL.

In each module that you go through, you’ll be presented with one video per page. That’s it. He keeps the page from being too busy so you can focus on learning the best you can.

From the get go, Cory makes things easy to navigate. Simple arrows to move forward or go back if you need to revisit a specific topic.

Cory and his team have also built a progress tracker. This will show you how much of the course you have completed. It also gives you a sense of accomplishment as it moves up.

It’s practical as well though. When you’re burning the midnight oil going through this training since you spend most of your time at your 9-5…you might forget where you left off. This bar helps with that.

Is Digital Storefronts A Scam?

Is It AScam

So, is Digital Storefronts a scam? Not technically. It’s a perfectly respectable lead generation program.

It’s just not our #1 choice.

Because Digital Landlord has taken the lead generation model and put it on steroids. It innovates on every part of the business model and makes it so accessible that pretty much anyone can succeed at it.

What if you could put in a couple hours a day (in your spare time) to build a single digital asset, and your reward was a $500 to $2,000 payment that came in every single month?

And what if you could get started today and have your first payment in a week?

And what if you could double it next week?

Well, that’s the power of Digital Landlord.

You can legitimately do this from anywhere. It’s a true lifestyle business.

Your laptop and an internet connection is all you need.

Some of the most successful students in this program run their entire 6-figure businesses from:.

They’re able to travel around, living their lives first, and focusing on their income second.

Because even if they stop working for an extended period of time, the money keeps coming in.

So adventure, memories, and experience are the top priority.

And they never have to worry about how to pay for the next trip, or consider asking for time off.

If this sounds more like the type of life you want to lead, just click here to find out more about Digital Landlord.

The Business Model Works: Local Lead Generation For The Win!

Local Lead Generation Business

In my opinion, the best part of Digital Storefronts is that local businesses really do need leads and the business model presented is viable and sustainable. Considering other online businesses are fads…it’s good to see a long term model being taught.

I’ve been in the online business space for more than a few years now. I’ve tried Amazon FBA, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Level Marketing, the whole nine yards…

The only business model that was easy for me to start and only cost a little money to run was the local lead generation model. It also wasn’t terribly time consuming like those other models.

This business model didn’t just allow me to make a SHIT ton of money ($50K per month)…

It gave me the ability to live life how I wanted. Clocking in and clocking out whenever I wanted. And honestly these sites have allowed me to coast financially to the point where I LITERALLY work well under 40 hours per week!

So what makes lead generation the superior business model?

The key to succeeding in any type of online business is in the amount of value you’re able to provide to your customer.

With local lead generation, you’re helping small businesses by giving them the chance to land even more jobs. And depending on the gig…that could be upwards $10,000 for them!

Hopefully you see the difference in value between that and connecting someone to a fidget spinner…

What this all results in is a small business owner who is happy to keep paying you month after month because you are quite literally the bill that pays their other bills and then some!

So yeah, personally, I think local lead generation is one of the best businesses to be in looking toward the future. It’s going to be around for a very VERY long time!

Cons Of Digital Store Fronts

Cons Of Digital Store Fronts

Limited Proof Of Earnings

It’s nice to have a free training here and there that covers the theory of the lead generation model…but it’s a totally different thing to actually build your own personal business up to get to the point where you’re QUALIFIED to mentor others.

As I was doing my research, believe me, I won’t get that time back LOL, I just could not seem to find any verifiable proof of earnings or success by Cory Long.

If you’re able to, feel free to comment your story and evidence below!

Cory’s Mentor program covers the idea behind building websites, ranking them, and sending the calls it generates to business owners that will be happy to pay you.


It doesn’t provide you with much of any proof that this has actually been achieved because of him and his methods specifically.

I’ve got to be honest about what I’m feeling here guys…

When I see something like this, it begins to make me wonder whether or not the course creator is making most of their money by practicing what they preach or just by preaching (the irony).

If you take a look at his sales page, you’ll notice that there are only a couple of reviews. 3 to be exact…

I don’t know about how you guys feel, but for me personally, 3 social proofs just doesn’t cut it. We’ve all seen infomercials right?

For all we know, those people could be paid actors, at least those are the thoughts going through my mind when I see little evidence like this.

Especially since the course has been around for well over a year now.

Cory may actually run the most successful lead generation business on the planet for all we know. All I’m asking to see is just a little more proof.

I think that would certainly add merit to his course and get people more excited to join.

Limited Proof Of Earnings

Pricey Done For You Services

You may have read my Modern Millionaires review about Chance and Abdul and have read about their done for you program.

In fact, digital coaching programs like these are known for having done for you services. Cory is no different.

While everyone can certainly see the value in having that kind of service provided, I personally was disappointed to find out about the prices of said services.

In my opinion, $500 per digital storefront isn’t cheap…In fact, that’s an average car payment for the U.S

I’ve personally built hundreds of websites by hand the last few years as I grew my lead generation business to where it is today, and in my opinion, it’s not worth $500.

Websites like these take maybe 3 hours to build from my experience.

Unless you’ve got deep pockets and really just don’t have the time to build these sites out yourself…you’re not gonna get too many sites up before your cash runs out.

Also it’s worth noting that now, yes, I don’t build my own lead generation sites. I outsource the builds to my team of VA’s. And lemme tell ya’, it doesn’t cost me anywhere close to $500 to get a full website built.

All that to say you can rest assured that Cory is probably pocketing a good amount of that $500 in profit…

Does Cory Long Offer A Private Facebook Group?

Private Facebook Group

Yes Cory offers a private Facebook group where he offers livestreams and hands on coaching during those streams.

Honestly I would have been surprised if he wouldn’t have offered one. Having a private Facebook group has become commonplace in the online coaching industry.

However, by the looks of it, there probably isn’t much engagement if I had to guess. How can I make such a presumption? For me it’s just a numbers game.

He has less than 500 members in his group. A group of that size, logically speaking, isn’t likely to have much engagement.

To be fair though, I could be totally wrong and every single one of those people could interact with the group on a daily basis.

I would love to be proven wrong so if you have evidence of the group being extremely active feel free to comment below!

Does Digital Storefronts Offer A Refund Policy?

From the looks of it, yes digital storefronts does offer a 90 day refund policy.

What Are People Saying About Digital Storefronts Online?

I have taken the time to find out what some people are saying about Digital Storefronts online. I will provide the source of said opinion and name of the user.

Digital Storefronts BBB Reviews

Digital Storefronts BBB Reviews

Digital Storefronts cannot be found on the BBB and does NOT have a page. A little odd if you ask me. Most programs like these do have at least something listed on the BBB but his program is no where to be found.

But I tried researching further under his company Yroc Consulting. Still, no results. Come on, it’s 2022…get yourself listed on the BBB already Cory!

Digital Storefronts Reddit Reviews

Ok, we all know Reddit is where people go to get the real tea. Reddit is totally anonymous and reviews/comments on their CAN’T BE BOUGHT!

Let’s see what THE PEOPLE have to say!

Looks like there isn’t much…I was only able to find one comment on the thread I found.

But here it is:

“I don’t know about this guys. Cory Long was kicked out of the group he learned everything from, Job Killing. He went around and tried to sell his stuff to other other members in the group. Essentially poaching, a big no no. I’d be weary of joining digital storefronts because of this. Doesn’t seem all that honest to me. Oh yeah, he claims to be a man of God too, apparently he’s a real minister or something like that. Extremely ironic if you ask me. Additionally, I’ve checked out his videos and gone through his sales funnel. It really lacks social proof if you ask me. The actual course has been around for more than a year so you’d figure it’d have more than just 3 success stories right? I have no doubt that the lead gen business model works as I’ve seen plenty of other high ticket groups with hella social proof in their funnels. But digital storefronts is lacking. Plus I’ve seen pictures of his done for you services to build websites costing $500! That’s crazy expensive considering the sites he builds can’t take longer than 2-3 hours to build. Plus he probably just hands it over to randoms in the Philippines to build for a tenth of that, pocketing the rest is my guess. I’ve also seen a couple other reviews online where people complain about the activity of the Facebook group…or lack thereof. Cory explains in his videos that these are super important to have because iron sharpens iron you know? Idk this sort of just screams red flag to me.” – Electrical-Tie-6232

Seems pretty thorough huh? Looks like this dude may know stuff I don’t haha.

Digital Storefronts TrustPilot Reviews

Digital Storefronts TrustPilot Reviews

Similar to the BBB, Digital Storefronts is not listed on TrustPilot. Neither is Yroc Consulting.

Digital Storefronts Facebook Reviews

Digital Storefronts Facebook Reviews

There’s not many actual reviews on the Digital Storefronts Facebook page. Looks like it’s just used as a sales funnel / hype machine of some kind.

Here is what I found:

Nate Bunty: “Producing results for myself and my family, not a corporate structure”

Barbara Rae: “Finance free, stress free, struggle free”

Steve Campbell: “Success is being totally happy & content with where you are in your life. And that could be different for each person. Digital Storefronts can be the tool to get you there!”

Josh Smith: “Success is being debt free while building a life around spending time with my family without the burden of having to go to work.”

Tony Lewis: “Freedom”

Looks like just a lot of hype stuff and getting people to enter an emotional state of mind as to WHY they want to become financially independent. Still, those are all good reasons to want financial freedom.

Digital Storefronts YouTube Reviews

Digital Storefronts YouTube Reviews

Here’s the link to his YouTube channel

I’m noticing the same trend that I saw with Chance and Abdul’s channel. Little to no comments on videos that have hundreds and in some cases thousands of reviews!

I really don’t understand how there can’t be at least SOME comments.

After some HEAVY digging, I did find this video

The comment interaction was pretty funny:

Gavin Bitz: “How do I get going on this?”

Todd Johnston: “You give them thousands of dollars”

If that’s not funny enough, these are literally the only two comments on that video…and it has over 4,000 views…

In my opinion, they may purposefully be deleting comments that aren’t overwhelming positive. Again that’s nothing new, you want to protect your reputation online…The White House has been doing it too lately. Check out their YouTube channel!

What Is Our Top Recommendation For Making Money Online In 2025?

Digital Landlord Degree Finders transparent

The Degree Finders team has spent months researching, reviewing, and vetting dozens of business models and thousands of programs.

While there may be no “perfect business”, the research IS conclusive:

Digital Landlord is the #1 online business model for those just starting out.

Whether you’ve never made a dollar online, or you’ve been in this space for a while but never really “made it,” Digital Landlord is for you.


1) It’s Flexible: got an hour a day? You can do this. Ready to drop everything else and dive in full time? You can do this. Yes, the more time you put in, the faster you see results. But even with a little time each day, you can move the needle in a Digital Landlord business.

And because this system is so flexible, you don’t have to constantly be working to make more money. It’s called PASSIVE INCOME because if you stop working, the money doesn’t.

Imagine taking 3 months off to just tour around Europe, rent a cabin in the woods to write a book, hike the Appalachian Trail, or live on the beach and surf all day.

This is only possible if you have an income stream that’s not tied to your time.

2) You Own & Control EVERYTHING: With Amazon FBA, you don’t really own anything. Yes, you technically own the products before you send them into an Amazon warehouse, but that’s it.
You don’t own the sales platform, you don’t own a brand, and you don’t own the customers.
Not to mention, Amazon can literally shut you down at any time if they believe you’ve violated their constantly changing terms of service.
So you’re building a business that could be completely taken away from you in the blink of an eye.
With Digital Landlord, you own the assets, which means you have all the power and all the control.

3) Little To No Startup Costs: It’s possible to get into Digital Landlord with zero dollars upfront. Because, using the strategies outlined in this program, you can get a client to pay you BEFORE spending a penny out of your own pocket…even before you do any work.

Even without getting paid in advance, you can have your first Digital Rental Property up, running, and generating profits for less than $100.

4) No Inventory: As mentioned above, spending 4-5 hours a day prepping and packing products to send to Amazon is a huge time commitment.
Plus, you constantly need to be buying new products if you want to maintain your business. You need to spend even more money if you want to scale up.
With physical products, you’ll always have limits on your time and freedom.

With Digital Landlord, a 100% online business, you never have to worry about that.

5) Easy To Duplicate: Ok, here’s the best part: once you have your first Digital Rental Property up and running, you can literally DOUBLE your income with a few clicks, a couple keystrokes, and a single phone call (and you don’t actually need the phone call).

Remember: each Digital Rental Property is worth $500 to $2,000 a month in semi-passive income (over 95% profit). Every time you decide to create another one and increase your income, it gets easier.

Because you have more knowledge, more experience, more results, and more momentum.

If you wanted to double your income with Amazon FBA, you’d have to double your inventory OR your profit margins. And, guaranteed that’s a lot harder than a few clicks and a few minutes of your life.

6) Make Money Helping Real People: This part is what makes it all worth it. Amazon FBA is a decent way to make yourself money, but it doesn’t improve anyone else’s lives.
After all, there’s always someone else selling rubber spatulas and umbrellas. That might be fine in the short term, but in the long run you may feel like you’re missing a purpose.

With Digital Landlord though, you’re actually helping people by solving your clients’ biggest problem…

Small, local businesses need more customers, and with Digital Landlord, you are unleashing a flood of happy, paying customers for these businesses.

You make money by helping them make money.

Not a big, faceless corporation either…a small business owner who’s using that money to put food on the table for their family, start a college fund for their kids, or take care of a sick parent.

Once you see how Digital Landlord makes a real impact in the lives of real people, you’ll sleep like a baby with a big smile on your face.

Now, the choice is yours. You could continue browsing, looking at opportunities like Zen Arbitrage which could one day make you money.

You could continue researching, never making a decision.

OR, you could take a look inside, consider what you really want, and join a program that makes your dreams a reality. At the same time, joining a community of over 2,000 successful students that are living life on their own terms thanks to Digital Landlord.

A consistent, reliable, semi-passive stream of income that doesn’t depend on you or your time to keep producing profits.

All while genuinely helping real people who are grateful and happy to pay for it.

If this sounds more like what you want out of life (or if you just want some nice side income), click here to learn more about Digital Landlord.