Paul says, “The Bible flows through the brain. It flows through the six inches between your ears. And He tells us that. ‘Be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renovation of your mind that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God in your life.’ Proving, means manifesting into reality.

Will of God, is His plan for you. And if he doesn’t force Jesus on his, he’s certainly not gonna force his plan for you.”

Paul adds, “You need to step up and have some backbone.” Build your business on the principles of mutual respect and deference. Trusting your intuition and taking action is all it takes. If you can’t do these things, you’re doomed. God will move on to the next person in line if you don’t, he says.

One day, you’ll die and go to heaven. It’ll be a painful experience because you’ll see all the things you could’ve had. The only reason you don’t is because you never overcame your fears. Let me be clear: Please don’t do this. Self-encouragement is the only way to move on. Think positive thoughts.

Paul promotes a program called the Christian Business Incubator (or CBI for short). To help you get started, the CBI provides a business model (virtual real estate investing) and information on how to get started making money online.

“We’ve structured the Incubator to not only give you the best blueprint, but also help you equip your mindset to be strong and rugged and grow. And then the mentoring is really an amplification for your mindset,” Paul explains.


CBI is a video course with six modules. You can access the training from any device at any time. Take everything at your own pace. To guarantee that you stay on track, Paul has included accountability milestones. There’s no-nonsense here. Only a few basic steps separate you from a digital business that may generate up to $20,000 per month, according to Paul.

You’ll be contacting back interested prospects, doing virtual showings, making offers, obtaining signed documents, enlisting the help of sourcing professionals to locate renters, and closing deals with attorneys.

“It’s that simple,” Paul explains. “Most people complicate things. Wealth is not complicated. You make money thinking. You want to play chess while everybody else is playing checkers.” You can use Paul’s scripts, swipes, and text blasts.

If necessary, his team will join you on calls to ensure that you succeed. The bottom line is that this business strategy can make you a fortune if you can read from a piece of paper.

Real estate is a terrific business since you may make a lot of money from each sale. With just one or two sales every month, you may make tens of thousands of dollars per month. People that are wealthy tend to rely heavily on real estate as a source of their wealth.

How to get into specialized industries, use low-cost virtual assistants for tedious activities and set up e-signature agreements are just a few of the things Paul will teach you in this course! Find out how much Christian Entrepreneur Inc‘s Kingdom Business Incubator costs by scheduling a call with a staff member.