But unlike other gurus you see on YouTube ads, he claims the MentorBox is cheaper (like less than your Netflix subs kind of cheap) plus you can cancel from it anytime.“Get the knowledge of these books in your brain. We make it simple. Easy to remember them. Get one book a week into your brain in seven minutes.

“Click the link,” he says as the YouTube ad ends. To be honest, it sounds like a pretty good deal.

You will get online access to short video courses made by the authors themselves, as well as audios, workbooks, and cheatsheets, for just $7 per month (or $59 per year).

You may upgrade to the physical box for $89 per month, which includes physical copies of the books and printed course materials. There is a 30-day money-back guarantee. Once you’re done, just simply click cancel on your profile or email Support at MentorBox dot com.

But who could digest each “life-changing” mini course in just 7 minutes. However, when compared to other things I could spend my $7 on, I believe this is a better option.

Although I believe it will take more than seven minutes to digest each “life-changing” mini-course’s insight, there are worse ways to spend $7 monthly. However, My MentorBox review goes in a very different direction at this point.

Everything was looking pretty good until Dr. Alex Mehr and Tai Lopez ruined it. Once you buy MentorBox, you’ll get bombarded with “one time only” offers that are completely irritating.

Doctor Alex Jet

“Would you like this stupid thing for $97? No? So, how about half-price? No? Then there’s this other stupid thing. “Warning: you won’t see this again!” Ugh. It’s just annoying.

Also, if you aren’t careful, you might end up paying thousands of dollars on digital programs and networking groups that Tai and Alex put little effort into since they come out with so many. They’ll bombard you with daily emails promoting one half-baked business opportunity after the next, even if you have said no a hundred times.

And when you think one is enough, there are upsells all over the place. Actually, half of MentorBox’s core training are soft pitches for the author’s course or coaching program. It’s very annoying and financially crippling at worst. No one can stand it.

Instead of spending money on MentorBox, I would just buy the specific books I want on Audible and not waste it on all the other stuff they give you. You could also save money and learn at your own pace this way.

You won’t have to deal with a bearded former NASA scientist and professional Lamborghini leaser who is always trying to get you to give him your last dollar. I guess our takeaway here is not to be “knowledge hacking” from the first place.

And the best strategy for self-studying is “less but better”. Perhaps reading the best book for your present life situation would be more beneficial than using MentorBox.