He will not teach you how to earn $100,000 a day every day. That’s not realistic. But you’ll be able to do six figs in one day at least once in this publishing business.
How? How is it possible to earn six figures in a single day via audiobooks, of all things? You’ve probably figured it by now, but the answer is to sell your publishing business. Thus, investors and serial entrepreneurs are clamoring to get their hands on it.
They’re looking for ways to earn money without having to do any of the legwork themselves. As a short-term tax-saving measure, they may depreciate the investment and reap the benefits in the medium and long term.
You’ll get an immediate financial boost as a result of this deal. Getting out of debt, buying a house, starting a new company, or investing in other assets may all be accomplished with this kind of capital.
Rasmus thinks 40 times your typical monthly earnings is a reasonable bet when estimating the potential value of your publishing company. If you are currently earning $5,000 a month, then you can possibly earn $200,000 if you look for a potential buyer.
There is, of course, a drawback. You’ll have to say goodbye to your long-term passive income, which you may have enjoyed for many years.
How do you sell a publishing business? If you’re looking for a business broker, Rasmus suggests Empire Flippers dot com. They’ve arranged about $300 million worth of deals so far.
Eighty-three percent of the time, they’re successful. They have around an eight-in-ten probability of finding you a buyer for your e-book/audiobook business. It will be higher if you are priced to sell.
The Empire Flippers program is then demoed by Rasmus. He gives an example of a publishing company with a list price of little over $2.4M. That’s a huge 49 times increase from a monthly net profit of just under $50k.
Legalities, asset transfers, and money transfers are handled by a business like Empire Flippers. You can rest easy knowing your money is safe and secure. They make it risk-free for you. But of course, they charge a price for their services.
How much money your publishing business makes, how long it has been profitable, how well you can prove it with reports and documents, any other assets (email list, social media accounts, lead magnet, etc.), systems, already-trained virtual assistants, and more will all play a role in determining how much money you can get.
Rasmus claims that even if you sell, you may return to the publishing industry if you don’t sign a non-competition agreement.
The Freedom Shortcut, a forthcoming book by the Mikkelsen twins, will include further information on this.