Online Education Degree Programs

Degree Subject

Online Education Degree Programs

education degree

A degree in education is critical for individuals who wish to dedicate themselves to helping educate and guide our youth. Online education degrees are typically earned in conjunction with a major of focus, thus indicating what subject individuals will be qualified to teach. Advanced education degrees and professional teaching certificates may lead to more job prospects outside of the classroom, such as consultant work, personnel training, etc. Read more about online education degree programs.

Some Stats

According to the U.S. Department of Education, 443,000 jobs in education were occupied by education administrators in positions from various environments including religious, public, and private institutions (1). The vast majority (nearly 80 percent) of teachers are employed in public or private institutions. Teachers of secondary, middle school, elementary, kindergarten, and preschool education, excluding special education, occupied approximately 4.0 million jobs in 2006 (2). With a majority of 1.5 million, elementary school teachers make up the most occupations in the education field. (2)

Employment Outlook

The American Federation of Teachers lists the average teacher salary during the 2004-2005 academic year as $47,602 annually (2). Jobs for teachers and education administrators have an average projected growth rate of approximately 12% between 2006 and 2016. (1)


Education degree specializations vary greatly depending upon the work environment and type of additional education programs sought. Opportunities for education specialization are available in government, for-profit, and non-profit settings in which individuals learn skills specific to that sector.

What to Expect

The type of coursework required for an education degree will focus primarily on learning strategies for use in the classroom. Education courses will range widely in topics, but are likely to include education policy, psychology and diversity. Those seeking teaching careers must meet the minimum state requirements for teachers, which often include passing the Praxis exam and teaching observations. Requirements may differ for those seeking positions in private schools or in areas where there may be a teacher shortage. Click here to get a list of online teacher education programs.

The End Result

A surprising number of teaching careers can be had with an undergraduate degree in education. While some are entry-level, others requiring advanced educator certification or other education training may offer a substantial salary increase. A select few are listed below:

Optional educator training beyond the baccalaureate may allow education degree graduates to pursue many more education career options due to the foundational communication, research, planning, and organizational skills common to those who have undergone study in the education field. Click here for a list of programs to get your education degree online.

(1) SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-2009 Edition
(2) SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-2009 Edition