The achievements of the previous generations paled compared to the 20th century thanks to technological interventions. It helps everyone work faster and efficiently. However, it poses a threat to employees as their work can shift to automation.
It’s only a matter of time before more workers are laid off since their current jobs are no longer in demand. Inevitably, some employment was eliminated due to the unstoppable expansion of technology. In addition, artificial intelligence is being developed to function as if it were a real human being. We perform tasks by hand, but robots may make this a standard feature in the near future
“I became determined to find a way to get ahead of this trend,” Mike said. “[I wanted to] harness this technology, educate myself, and earn an income from it. Use it to automate an online business, enable me to sell something that I could get truly passionate about.
I started researching on the web and after many weeks, I found a global community of digital entrepreneurs willing to help complete beginners like me make the transition to a laptop lifestyle.”
We don’t decide on important matters based on whims. Mike also researched before he decided to propose the laptop lifestyle or work-at-home setup to earn money online. And he realized that it is a great idea as it was a good enterprise while you control your time.
It has positive feedback as there are a lot of perks in this kind of setup. Mike collaborated with others with different specialties and has become successful in this setup. They are in control, and they only carry their work with a laptop!

We can imagine how anxious Mike can be as he takes the risk. But it never stops him from taking the first step of training, experiments, and reaching others. Now he is more in control of work than the other way around. He proves that there is only a thin line between success and failure, and this line is YOU.
Do you also want to start a laptop lifestyle? Then don’t be shy to reach for him, and he is more willing to send you the videos that helped him build a concrete plan. You are just one click away from him. He is open to communication on his website, message him and send your email to send the videos to you.
Then he will redirect you to Stuart Ross, a good mentor of his, a prominent figure in this field of business. They will supervise you for upcoming webinars so you can join and learn. Isn’t he generous?
You may ask, Is there any study course I can apply for a laptop lifestyle? Of course, you can enter the Six Figures Mentors (SFM) program that Stuart founded. You can help Mike have incentives to invite you if you use his link to apply. He will be paid because he has referred you. However, it is not this that is troubling but about the whole program.
They force their members to spend more money for VIP or Premium service even though they already pay $299 for the entry! It is quite suspicious because the only role models they mention that became successful because of the program are the founders and Mike’s associates. The program smells sketchy.
Instead of gaining experience and expertise, all you get is to invite others to earn a profit. A laptop lifestyle is a great idea, but you need to be careful of too good to be true offers. If you are careless, you will fall into a spider web where all participants pull others to go up.