Take note these two (Sajid and Ravi) are not the only one who has a success story on Amazon; their students also show promise with their stores on the said platform. Just with 2 products, Harry was able to bring 70 grand home within just a quarter of a year. From his landscaping business to an Amazon store owner, Dean was able to retire early from his previous occupation.

After launching a beauty product with his wife, Tim grew it to a monthly revenue of $40,000. Terrence’s Amazon Store which is supposedly a side business now earns $70,000 a month. Moe also makes $50,000 every 30 days. None seems to be in any danger of losing money.

Sajid promotes, “The best part is you can do this while working, going to school, or raising a family,” Adding that, “It’s the best way to build a successful business today and do it while spending very little time managing it. It’s time to break free from the rat race and create a better future for you and your family, just like Ravi and myself have done in less than twelve months.

Again, the key to Amazon is that you don’t need to come up with any product or idea. You just need to find what’s selling and provide it to Amazon.”

With just literally 2 thousand dollars in inventory, you can get your business off the ground. Your packaging and logo are sent to the manufacturer once you find a product and a manufacturer for the product. After that, it will be delivered to Amazon’s distribution center. In order to sell your product on Amazon, you’ll first need to raise the price on it.

With Amazon only taking a small portion of your profit, it is expected that you, too, will start making thousands from your store shortly after your launch. All you need to do is polish your product more and do some marketing to get the ball running.

Ravi Sajid FBA

When competing within Amazon, Sajid says you only need one high-performing product to see good results. And what better chance is there for an  eCommerce trade than the current pandemic. As people become wary of stepping outside,  online stores noticeably become necessities for consumers. Sajid urges people to consider how much online stores can become profitable, especially in this time of home quarantines and lockdowns, even using the popularity of Uber Eats as an example.

There has been a steady rise in the number of people shopping at The Everything Store. It’s a little-known fact that Amazon doesn’t own most of the products it sells on its site. Like Airbnb, their business model is similar. Instead of owning brands, Amazon serves as the bridge that helps consumers and sellers to make transactions.

When you open Amazon, the first thing you do is probably search for an item you need/want to buy or scroll through stores, but have you ever thought of being one of the store owners of the world’s most competent retail brand. At some point, you would think of what you can do to earn money that is why Ravi and Sajid shares five easy steps to guide you in entering Amazon.

The first step is to utilize a product research tool that will aid you in finding a product that would sell in the market. After that, with only $50, start designing your brand. Find a manufacturer. And, of course, send your product to Amazon. As Amazon takes care of business, the last step is to launch and observe.

In the beginning, Sajid admits, “I know this sounds simpler than what it looks, but that’s how we felt when we started. We couldn’t believe that everyday boring products like a toothbrush holder can make somebody thousands of dollars a day in profit. The beauty of Amazon is that there’s a relatively low risk to get involved.

Amazon takes care of everything. The customer service, the returns, shipping, everything.” If you also want to be one of the people with success stories on Amazon, you can immediately schedule a meeting with Freedom by FBA to consult about their fees. And if you need more convincing, check out their students’ success stories on their website, FreedombyFBA.com.

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