“Now, last year I had a challenge with myself to see if I could earn fifty thousand dollars in three months on Etsy,” Rachel adds. “And I tested all these different types of things. I tested ads and personalization and all these kind of whiz-bang models that people talked about, but the number one biggest thing that increased my sales was just making more designs.
So I definitely recommend you add more designs. The benefit of POD is you don’t need to worry about buying inventory, right?”
Bulk uploading formula is one option, according to her. Father of the Year. Mom of the Century. Brother. Sister. Grandma. Grandpa. And so on.
You may even branch out into other fields. As the number of products increases, so do sales opportunities.
“Just get those designs up ’cause you never know what’s gonna sell,” Rachel explains.
You might also offer specials or discounts up to the fourth quarter to get your customers excited. Everyone loves a good deal.
Customers may use custom coupons that you design just for them. Abandoned cart, recently favorited, post-purchase, and so on.
To sum it up: Rachel claims that you can sell more than just mugs.
Don’t misunderstand; mugs are fantastic.
But you can grow your audience by supplying shot glasses, T-shirts, candles, decorations, and pillows among other things.
You may also use Amazon’s FBA service to sell more of your products.
“The benefit to do this for quarter four is you will be shocked at how many sales come in from last minute shoppers,” Rachel claims. “They’ll buy deep into the season and Amazon has their Prime option so people can buy things very last minute.”
“The other cool thing about FBA,” Rachel continues, “is on Amazon, people can make wish lists of the items that they would like. And so if you are a customer shopping for someone else’s wish list, the items that have Prime shipping (which FBA items would have) would be something that they would want more than like a normal item because they would know that the shipping would get there fast.
FBA is really, really awesome for quarter four. I’m sending in a lot of inventory and I definitely recommend that you do as well.”
Adding a call to action is the next step you can take.
It’s a one-of-a-kind design, so let them know. Or that your Etsy business name owns all of your creations. Or the fact that it isn’t accessible for download. Check-out is safe and secure. Even something as simple as this may lead to increased sales.
Then you wrap everything up with a simple statement: Get yours now by adding it to your shopping cart. You may also group your items together to save money. Sell two mugs instead of one. A t-shirt and a coffee cup are also good options.
Rachel concludes by saying, “I hope you found these ideas helpful. These are all based on my actual sales. Right? So they’re not just kind of theory-based things. I’m actively selling every single day and so I’m telling you what’s actually working for me.”
Check out Rachel Rofe’s Low-Hanging System course if you’re interested in learning from her.
Two thousand dollars is the price tag for this service. This is probably a good investment if you’re serious about going into print on demand.
Alternatively, read the following for a model with bigger margins and more leverage.