Course From Scratch is what it sounds like: an e-learning curriculum that guides you through the process of building, promoting, and selling your own course from the bottom up.
It is taught via a series of step-by-step video modules that are spaced out over eight weeks. You can get community support from live calls and CFS private Facebook group.
Danielle previously worked in online marketing for Silicon Valley startups before founding Course From Scratch. She also gained experience as a course launch coach and growth marketer at Udemy from 2012 to 2015.
She has given presentations at several key conferences and seminars during her career. Everything is quite amazing. However, her million-dollar achievement came from the sale of a course on how to sell courses. Am I the only one who finds this odd?
Simply because it seems a bit pyramid scheme-like to me (and maybe it is). Isn’t it likely that most of her students will follow the money and start making courses on generating courses themselves?
A similar approach to this is the Clients On Demand program developed by Rus Ruffino, in which he trains coaches to train others in the same field.
But let’s give her the benefit of the doubt for a while longer. Take, for example, the assumption that at least half of everyone who joins Course From Scratch enters a specialized market or niche. The whole thing isn’t MLM-y. Still, I would have some reservations.

First of all, not everyone has the ability or should be able to market their own course. Why would you believe this is a good fit for you if you aren’t an absolute genius at a highly sought-after skill, have a gift for teaching, and have a solid history in online marketing?
Oh, I know. Because Danielle Leslie persuaded you to think differently.
Here’s some bad news: you’re not her.
She’s stunning, motivated, eloquent, cool, and trendy. Let’s not forget that she has almost a decade of literally the most relevant professional experience anybody has ever had (for someone who wants to sell their own course). Take all of it away, and the game becomes different.
Secondly, can you say “oversaturated“? Consider how many courses you’ve been pitched so far this week. And now you have Danielle Leslie and other gurus offering courses on selling courses, each with hundreds or even thousands of subscribers who are all being taught the same methods.
How will little-ole you manage to pierce through all of that background noise? Why would someone choose you above the rest of them? If you cannot answer this question, I would advise you to think again before devoting too much time, attention, and money to developing your own course.
Third and last question: How will you attract hundreds of new visitors to your sales page every day? Because that’s what it’s going to take to get a sale. Do you have tens of thousands of dollars to spend on Facebook or YouTube ads?
No? Then you must have a blog, such as this one, that ranks at the top of Google for hundreds of high-commercial-intent key phrases, don’t you?
What is it, exactly? What’s the deal with it again? Are you saying you’re simply going to bombard Instagram and hope people purchase something? Guys, this is not a game.
The generation of traffic is essential. And the typical individual will never be able to obtain enough of it to sustain consistent sales. I’m not a hater in the least. However, not everyone can perform like Danielle.
See the section below for something practical you can definitely benefit from.