Accredited Online Colleges

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Accredited Online Colleges

It seems as if online education institutions are popping up everywhere. It is easier than ever to get a postsecondary education from reputable, accredited online colleges without even setting foot in a classroom. A recent survey from the National Center of Education Statistics reports that a full two-thirds (66%) of degree-granting accredited institutions offer some form of distance education. This is great news – you don’t have to move to the east coast to get a diploma from that Ivy-League school you’ve always dreamed of. Kind of levels the playing field, doesn’t it?

List Of Accredited Online Colleges:

About Our Online Colleges And Universities

Only accredited online colleges and universities are listed above. These are fully nationally and/or regionally accredited by a recognized accrediting agency. Please use the e-form on the school description page to contact the college or university of your choice for more information.

Click on the link to the accredited online college that interests you. Each description page is full of information, including a short history of the online university or college, the focus of the online school, what agency or agencies accredit them, and other interesting facts. A link is provided for you to request more information. The school will contact you, and send an information packet to you. This packet contains all the information you need to begin the process of choosing among the best online colleges for your education.

Choosing An Online College: A Few Tips

Choosing where to get your degree, certification or training is so much easier – and so much more difficult – now that the Internet brings it all to you. Before you start Googling, ask yourself some questions:

What do I want to do? What are your education goals? Do you want to learn something that teaches you a new hobby, or advances your career? Perhaps you want to change careers. Several colleges might specialize in your particular area of interest.

What do I need? How far do you want to go? Are you aiming for a bachelor degree, and don’t have much in the way of credits, or are do you already have a master degree and are going for that Ph.D.? Some online schools focus on graduate degrees; others may have a greater variety of undergraduate choices. You’ll need to find out what you have already and what you need to get where you want to be.

Are the schools accredited? That is what some would term to be a “no-brainer”. Although some non-accredited schools are perfectly legitimate, most employers may see a diploma from one of those schools as less than acceptable.

Do I have the time? This is not an easy one to answer – and you really need to be honest. Although online institutes of higher education usually have 24-hour access, That doesn’t mean that you should fit your studies in at 2:00am, when you’re done with work, your kids, your hobbies, friends and the laundry. Most people are able to fit their education into their off-work hours, but they also must think about how much time they are willing to dedicate to complete the curriculum. When you make your education a priority, you’ll be setting yourself up for success.

How much will it cost? You need to research and compare the cost just as much as you would if you were shopping for a new car. But, just like the old adage, you get what you pay for. Don’t expect a full-service education from a bargain-basement school. Then again, you may not need all of the bells and whistles if you’re just a few credits away from completing your degree, or are interested in learning a new hobby. This, like the other choices, are distinctly personal – and one only you should make. Today, there are a myriad of grants and loans and financial aid for whatever you’re looking for. Talk to the school. Get all the information.